
I'M Nora

I'm A Product Designer.

I‘m Nora from Taiwan; I’m a product designer who loves to observe everything and embrace challenges. I have been in this industry for five years, contacted many different B2B and B2C industries, e.g., virtual insurance platforms, live streaming sale tools, e-commerce, rebate system app, managing the business systems, etc.

As a product designer, I understand users' needs through qualitative and quantitative methods. From concept to product design, using Insights to find out requirements for optimization. Via communication and practice with the team from a user-centric perspective. To analyze the user behavior and motivation behind each project and solve the problem with the team.

About Me

  • NORA CHANG | 張瑋瑋

  • 0930-189-578


  • Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology | Department of Materials and Fibers


Personality Traits



Solve Problem


Work Experience

Product Designer
OneDegree., Ltd | 2021/06 ~ Present

A virtual insurance technology company gets an insurance license in Hong Kong. The product provides different insurance products on the B2B platform. The Hong Kong resident can use our website to buy policies, and they don't need a salesperson to buy them quickly.

Responsible for the different types of insurance products, e.g., pet insurance, critical illness insurance, home insurance, fire insurance, etc. Form the purchase process to claim overall design and experience, let the user quickly purchase without complex information. Insurance often has hard-to-understand words or content, so any piece of text often has hard-to-understand words, and process design and experience are also important. Suppose the process is more than complex and incomprehensible. In that case, it is easy for the user to lose patience and be unable to complete a purchase, or the claims process is complicated, so losing confidence and trust in the brand.

Design process and the interface, use data, a/b testing, and user interview to analyze user behavior and motivation. Find out what they think about virtual insurance expectations and operation. Virtual insurance has been a trend recently, and many competing products in Hong Kong change very quickly. Keen observation and analysis to understand the market is vital. Continuous improvement and optimization allow virtual insurance can grow swiftly and let products help people.

Product Designer
KooData Inc. | 2019/07 - 2021/06

Product is make social shoppable, the store reduces Livestream complex prepare before, the effectiveness of completed orders after Livestream and manage the order. Create an activities mechanism in the Livestreaming and interact with fans, and clear information allows shoppers to buy quickly and lets sellers and shoppers interact more closely.

I am responsible for all system design and experience of products app and website backend system, research currently Livestream trends, understand the pain point of users, interview with the customers, usability test and, make a prototype for testing, etc. Effectively use tracking tools and data to understand the status of use, optimize and think of new ideas so that the products can function more effectively and the overall service experience is smooth.

Livestream has been the trend in recent years, and it has significantly changed, so we need to understand the latest trends and goals and continue to improve so that the products can solve the problem and pay their value.

Product Designer
RE Co., Ltd | 2018/03 ~ 2019/04

The product is Re Red Envelope App, a cash rebate app for customers that combines physical shops and users to generate contact. In-depth understanding of the interests of first-line stores and users, optimizing app functions and planning new processes, and understanding needs and goals.

MVP conducts initial testing and research and then uses design research tools to understand users encounter problematic situations. Analysis and study pain points discuss with the team to find the most appropriate solutions, use data and a/b test to check the online's effectiveness, and continue modifying and verifying the service experience of offline stores and online users better.

Product Designer
Skywind Co., Ltd | 2017/08 ~ 2018/01

The products mainly come from the customers and belong to the outsourcing company. They contact various cases with different attributes, e.g., delivery platform, hairdressing matching platform, backend business system, etc. Quickly understand demand and interests of customers, because of execution other various of cause, It can quickly understand the customer problem and effectively solve it.

The main execution project is the business system app and backend system platform. TA is about business people. In the early stage, understand the stakes between the company and business people relationship and use different angles to understand the attribute of TA. When you execute the process to encounter the idea is different, you need to understand everyone's position and find the best solution.

Among these, I also interview many business people to understand the function they need. The main product is the business boss or manager of the company. The thinking direction is from the manager's point of view and integrates their needs for planning and design based on user experience. Among them, levels and authority spend much time searching for ideas and discussions. Each position has a different perspective on the function and understands the reason for discussing and executing.






















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